Lawn disruption
Lawn disruption is the idea of reducing the maintenance costs of lawns (i.e. saving water, protecting the environment, and so on) by replacing lawns with e.g. other plants or rocks. The idea is also being discussed in the suffering reduction community because fewer lawns means fewer insects.
Top 10 Water Wasters: From Washing Dishes to Watering the Desert
- The water sprinklers that keep the turf lush and the flowers blooming can consume 265 gallons (1,000 liters) an hour, says Waterwise, a U.K. water-conservation group.
Lawn disruption may be an unworthy cause? The main problem is convincing people that they should use less water, and convincing is hard.
External links
- Convert Grass Lawns to Gravel to Reduce Insect Suffering
- Lawn: Social impacts
- Lawn: Environmental concerns
- Gardeners driving green makeover for US lawns
- The Green American Dream
- Stephanie Schmidt’s answer to What are the most environmentally wasteful designs?
- National Geographic Live! - Chasing Rivers, Part 1: The Colorado