Distribution of life extension treatments


  • Historically, how have new biomedical treatments been distributed?
    • What was the delay for e.g. the poor, less developed countries in receiving treatment?
    • What does the distribution currently look like for treatments that have been around for a while?
    • What is the distribution like as a function of e.g. the cost, the importance (how life-threatening is it?) of the treatment?
  • Given the answers to the above, what can we say about the distribution of life extension treatments?
  • Could the availability of treatment lead to violence or social instability? For instance de Grey1:

    Overpopulation, probably the most frequently cited drawback of curing aging, could not result for many decades, but the same cannot be said for breadth of access irrespective of ability to pay: in a post-9/11 world, restricted availability of rejuvenation therapies resembling that seen today with AIDS drugs would invite violence on a scale that, shall we say, might be worth trying to avoid.

  • See also John K. Davis in “Collective Suttee: Is It Unjust to Develop Life Extension if It Will Not Be Possible to Provide It to Everyone?